Saturday 8 September 2007

Who caused The Dark Sun

Even this soon after it happened, theories abound as to just what's going on with the sun, but there's one thing all good scientists* have agreed on: it isn't natural.** It may not be supernatural, but it's certainly extranatural.***
This event wasn't caused by something, it was caused by someone. The question isn't "What?" it's "Who?" "Why?" and "How?"

  • A secret superadvanced organisation
  • Aliens
  • People with access to magic
  • Terrorists with access to magic
  • Vampires with access to magic
  • Accidental
  • A simple way of modifying the Earth's biosphere
  • Attempting to conserve Sol's energy
  • To threaten the world powers
  • To avoid severe sunburn problems
  • A side-effect of an FTL probe
  • A side-effect of investigating Sols structure
  • Some form of shield around the sun
  • Some sort of advanced shield around Earth
  • Increased internal solar reflection
  • Magic
I'll try and explore these possibilities tomorrow, or soon at least. Well, it'll be tomorrow if the sun rises, and if not I suppose it'll still be today only less so.

*No, I haven't asked all good scientists, hell I haven't asked any: I'm still right
**Provided, of course, you use a definition of natural which excludes sentient beings.
***Interesting that "extra" means more, and "super" means better version of, but neither meaning applies here.

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