Saturday 22 September 2007

Sorry for the lack of updates.

My apologies for the lack of updates since I started this place, it's just that once fresher's week started I came to a realisation: You're not meant to put childish things behind you until AFTER fresher's week.

So I went on a hiatus, and my lack of internet access at home meant I didn't post at all. Anyway, enough about me; well not quite, there is the fact that my physics textbook is a new edition, almost 2000 pages long AND with an online section too, but on to the Dark Sun news.

Not really much to tell that you won't have seen on the other news media. Except this: The news on Africa is downplaying things, something fucked is up with the diseases down there. If you're not in an infected area, flee like fuck. If you're near an infected area, I suggest killing yourself, do not try to run, you might just kill us all. I highly doubt that whatever is going on there is natural, but I also find the ideas of things like Lycanthropy being involved somewhat unlikely. Most likely, the Powers That Be (or a subset) decided that as the Earth can't support us all anymore; so they're getting rid of the people they don't value.

I guess I should be thankful that the powers that do this value the educated and free. But I still think it's a really bad move.

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