Saturday 20 October 2007

The News Since I've Been Gone.

I've been catching up over the past two days (between lectures!*)on the news that has come over the airways since I vanished.

  • Darkpox hitting the UK, Texas, Alabama, New York and Brazil were each noted by people in those countries/states. The mentions outside the immediate area weren't very noticeable given the other news. The Brazil case is not fully under control, but US military and doctors are being called in to stem the spread.
  • The energy recieved from the Sun is fluctuating, not hugely, but it's definitely fluctuating, and differently on different parts of the world. The burning sun that burnt an oil tanker in the south pacific has made a lot of news, despite it being, according to an analysis of the observed radiation pattern, only one of many such bursts.
  • Riots started in Paris when the sun went even darker than usual, and quite red. France has been placed under full Martial Law. Which, for France, is quite surprising.**
  • The war in Iraq has not been mentioned. Apart from when they say about troops from their being redeployed to other areas. I think it's been kind've overshadowed.
I'll see what more I can find out that isn't actually known to you all anyway.

*I mean, it's a bit of a WTF that they're insisting I come in for things right after all that's happened to me. I wouldn't attend, but I do actually want to learn, and they're checking attendance for tutorials and shite.
**Normally France is only ruled by the German military.

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