Tuesday 20 November 2007

You know what?

I'm becoming very convinced that conservation of energy is applying here. The sun seems almost black at times, hell sometimes it's blacker than the sky, which makes so little sense it hurts my head, but the increase in neutrrinos says to me that this is science, or at least scientific magic.

So I'm going to stick my neck out and say conservation of energy probably applies. What does that mean? I don't know yet, but I'm betting it'll be a useful assumption.

Monday 19 November 2007

My mate Fenrir has a blog now.


That hydroponics thing he's doing? Yeah, I'm pretty sure, he was already looking into that before the Darkness came.

Wanted to grow some very special plants.

But now it looks like all plants might be special enough to count. Wish I could manage that hydroponics thing.

Oh, on the Neutrino front: A nonymous source (but not one I'm at liberty to divulge to you) has convincingly revealed to me that the levels of neutrinos detected quintupled after the dark sun event. At first it was thought it might be a coincidence, but that doesn't seem all the likely to me, don't you agree?

Tuesday 13 November 2007

A new theory from the Timecube guy

I really have no news at the moment, so I thought I share with you this piece from the TimeCube guy:

In evil oneism sun was seen as one object, timecube revealed suns 4-ness, but was not believed by the educated ignorant. Now sun has achieved oneness, and we suffer as a result.
The evil's of oneism are made clear by this dark development.

etc. The rest can be found at http://timecube.com/darkening

but if you value your sanity, you may not want to click that link.

Tuesday 6 November 2007

A little more information from an anonymous source

Anonymous even as far as I'm concerned, it was sent to my uni email account from a random hotmail address. I'm replying to the guy/gal, but I don't know how trustworthy this data is. Still, I feel it's worth passing on:

The glaciers in the artic and antartic circles look set to begin melting soon. The worlds temperature has been becoming FAR more uniform.

London could be in trouble. As could many other areas.

Sunday 4 November 2007

Last Post From London

The Halloween party went well. I pulled a bloke at midnight, but after that, well, the world wasn't ending, so I slowed down. Still, I've been hanging with him for the past few days though, and thus haven't had much time to research the neutrino issue.

Once I'm back in Bristol tonight or tmoz, I'll put some more thought into it. I fully intend to be back in London soon though :-)