Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Party Like There's No Tomorrow

In a year where things have gone from normal to ab, in a very short time, Halloween is a rather important holiday.

Some people really do feel like the world will end tonight. Personally I kinda doubt it, but just in case, I'm gonna go to a rave and party like it will.

Well, not quite exactly like it will* but close.

Hope you have a good night too.

*I won't be spending any time crying on the floor, or calling my parents to say goodbye

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Something to chew on.

In my last lecture on friday, my lecturer let slip something that intrigued me: in explaining the Solar Neutrino problem, she happened to mention the Canadian Sudbury Neutrino Observatory in the past tense. Turns out, it closed in december of last year anyway.

This fails to explain why she caught herself after this however, trying to rephrase. I've been unable to find any information for contacting researchers associated with the Super-Kamiokande collaboration, but I suspect none-the-less that something neutrino related is occurring.

Anyone who knows any japanese reading this is urged to attempt some form of chain of contact with those researchers, they may not be allowed to give away their findings, but a bit of investigation could be useful. Contact the Japanese media. The media worldwide seem to be reporting more now that the newness has died down, and sanity has appeared to return.

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

God Bless Reading Week.

Along with an early start for Bristol came an early reading week. I'm heading home next week, although not completely divorcing myself from my Bristonian friends, my new mate Daniel actually lives quite close to me back in Londinium.

In other news: A group of "vampires" (AKA emo-goths in my book) have been exclaiming around Bristol about how cool it is that they don't have to fear the sun anymore.

Seriously: YOU'RE NOT UNDEAD, YOU'RE JUST PALE. Sunburn and turning to dust are too very different things.

Saturday, 20 October 2007

The News Since I've Been Gone.

I've been catching up over the past two days (between lectures!*)on the news that has come over the airways since I vanished.

  • Darkpox hitting the UK, Texas, Alabama, New York and Brazil were each noted by people in those countries/states. The mentions outside the immediate area weren't very noticeable given the other news. The Brazil case is not fully under control, but US military and doctors are being called in to stem the spread.
  • The energy recieved from the Sun is fluctuating, not hugely, but it's definitely fluctuating, and differently on different parts of the world. The burning sun that burnt an oil tanker in the south pacific has made a lot of news, despite it being, according to an analysis of the observed radiation pattern, only one of many such bursts.
  • Riots started in Paris when the sun went even darker than usual, and quite red. France has been placed under full Martial Law. Which, for France, is quite surprising.**
  • The war in Iraq has not been mentioned. Apart from when they say about troops from their being redeployed to other areas. I think it's been kind've overshadowed.
I'll see what more I can find out that isn't actually known to you all anyway.

*I mean, it's a bit of a WTF that they're insisting I come in for things right after all that's happened to me. I wouldn't attend, but I do actually want to learn, and they're checking attendance for tutorials and shite.
**Normally France is only ruled by the German military.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Escape From Captivity

Well, you learn something new every day. Especially when you're locked up in quarantine in a university building. Without, for bullshit reasons, internet or phone connections.

The new thing I learnt on Tuesday the ninth of October was that if the Department of Health can get the agreement of the Department of Defense, you can find yourself in a sealed, quarantined, room VERY rapidly. With absolutely no explanation given.

The new thing I learnt on the 10th was that, unlike prisoners, quarantined persons do not have the right to contact the outside world.

The new thing I learnt on the 11th was that my late friend Talatu is now known as Patient Zero.

The new thing I learnt on the 12th was that, while the disease (which they referred to as Darkpox) has an incubation period of several weeks* it can be tested for after just one.

The new thing I learnt on the 13th was that the whir of a fan in the ventilation system can be extremely worrying when you know that even outside the room you're in, there's a building full of people who may be infected with a horrifying disease.**

The new thing I learnt on the 14th was a rather interesting explanation of string theory. But I won't go into that here, it'd take too long, and nothing seemed that relevant honestly.

The new thing I learnt on the 15th was that needles and exams make a scary combination. When you add in life-or-death situations, there will be panic attacks.

The new thing I learnt on the 16th was an odd take on the nature of infinity in mathematics and physics, concentrating on the differences between zero and an infintesimal.

The new thing I learnt on the 17th was that I probably wasn't going to die just yet, but one of those I'd been boarded with might be. He was taken out for further testing, and we were all seperated.

The new things I learnt today are: I'm not infected AND lying in a room with nothing to do can be extremely exhausting at times.

I'm going to sleep.

*Which may explain the idea of an "infectious vaccine". The people being given it were already infected, and the vaccine simply triggered the effect.
**I very rapidly blanked out the possibility that I might be an infectee. There's paranoia and then there's just plain depression.

Sunday, 7 October 2007

News from Africa/Happy Birthday to me!

Alright, today is my birthday, and a good (if dim) day it is indeed. I've recieved news from my mates african family. In nigeria this plague is going down quite badly, they have a vaccine, ut there's also an infectious vaccine, so no-one's really sure if it's safe to take it.

Rumours suggest that the plague started in several medical facilities. It's a plague based on smallpox, but significantly more airborne.

In lighter news, one of my favourite comics finally got around to address the issue of the dark sun. It's an interesting strip, and it's true, the people of this world seem to have somewhat collapsed since the Dark Sun came. I don't konw. All I do know is I was out too late last night to stay up now, I just had to let you know about the phonecall that awoke me.